Thursday, July 9, 2009

Jaipur and Teaching

I've had some time to think in the past few days because of my "Delhi Belly" and realized it's been way to long since an update...

To start off, the past two days have been me lounging around waiting for my next trip to the bathroom. I've gotten to know that place very well and have gotten pretty sore from the lack of porcelain India has. I don't know how they can do that squatting position so often! But, today I am feeling much better thanks, I think, to some antibiotics or it could just be my good ole' body. Who knows. This also means I missed teaching the last two days which is Ok, but I'm glad to go back tomorrow.
We visited Jaipur this weekend which is where we stayed the second night. We wanted to get some shopping and sightseeing in. We did plenty of shopping and spent plenty of money. Got a lot of nice things though that will hopefully last (you know, Indian goods ha). We celebrated the fourth on Saturday night with some Foster's and Kingfisher's. Kingfisher's is one of India's local brews which, I say, is a lot better than Foster's. We hung out on the top of our hotel roof talking to random British girls and 37 year old Japanese gem traders. It was definitely a night to remember. I must mention there was also fireworks! Sadly, they were most likely for a wedding occurring at the same time...

We also visited the studio of the acclaimed artist Kripal Singh. He is acclaimed with reviving ceramics in India and is definitely worth the credit. Although he died a year ago, there was still a lot of his artwork available. I think, at least. They might just be the work of his craftsmen, but his daughter said he made it all. So, I was able to pick up a few pieces for very, very cheap compared to the US. I got 5 pieces for about $25 that really should have cost me $70 at least. The kiln they fire with was very interesting. Clay, do you recognize the design at all? It's wood fired and the opening is at the bottom in the picture. They said they fire to 800 degrees C.

Teaching has been very... multifaceted. It has it's downs, of course. But, it really does have its ups. The kids are all very joyful and more or less happy to see you everyday. They are very affectionate. Some really do work hard, too. However, because we are volunteers we are kinda treated like substitute teachers which is expected, but it can get to you. Also, add the fact that we have never been teachers before so we are basically running trial and error... But, we are learning just as much as the kids. And it can be really rewarding, but you have to really look for the rewards. For example, we will probably leave here without seeing big improvements in the overall knowledge of the students or their situation improving visibly at all, really. However, when you look at the statistics of kids that are now attending government school (almost 12 just this year) that would never have gone in the first place, one finds some solace. We also may teach one kid one new word which may be all we have to go on. So finding those type of things can be tough, but when we do we hold on tight.

We may be making a smaller trip this weekend due to my sickness. Possibly Bundhi which is only 3 hours away. Also, Maguns decided that he was going to leave the project last night. Other things were calling him (cooler weather and women). It's good that he's doing what makes him happy. He'll possbily be back in a few weeks.
Recent India news: Michael Jackson is dead. New budget plans to cut poverty in half by 2014. India is sad with an economic growth of only 6.7% instead of 9%. Gay sex is decriminalized in New Delhi and awaiting a national law. India wins 5 day cricket match over West Indies. Oh ya, Michael Jackson is dead.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo... "Delhi Belly" no sound like fun.

    Get better. Keep teaching!
